In a unique combination three European hydrogen projects including the Belfast Metropolitan College led GenComm project are collaborating to form the ‘Hydrogen Triple Alliance’ which will further increase a green hydrogen transition across Europe and reduce carbon emissions on a much quicker timescale.

GenComm, Seafuel and HUGE, three green hydrogen projects encompassing Europe are seeking to overcome the issue of how to connect stakeholders, end users, policymakers and communities interested in hydrogen technologies.

The integration of the three projects will lead to major international change and will fast track the sector coupling of renewables, allowing expansion of renewables investment across Europe.

The alliance allows the integration of hydrogen production and use in the energy value chain leading to even more reduction in carbon emissions. With current climatic conditions this is to be very much welcomed.

GenComm Programme Manager, Paul McCormack, said: “We must deliver hydrogen equity in order that all of Europe can fully realise the benefits of green hydrogen. This Hydrogen Triple Alliance is the start of a European wide H2 highway collaborating and sharing research, results and ensuring all can reap the benefits of a zero carbon energy system.

Dr Pau Farras, SEAFUEL Project Co-Ordinator from NUIG welcomed the Triple Alliance saying: “Knowledge sharing and best practice examples along the different regions are critical to deploy hydrogen technologies in communities.

Deislava Todorova, HUGE Project Co-Ordinator from the Environmental Research Institute also is excited about the new collaboration, saying: “We need HUGE solutions for the tiniest and most remote places if we are to realise the net zero carbon future.

This much called for Triple Alliance will integrate their resources to enlarge the Community Hydrogen Forum (CH2F)   and in doing so can help deliver more benefits for European communities. The now enlarged CH2F platform will be a hydrogen technologies forum for international, national, regional and local governments, energy agencies, community development groups, energy co-operatives, educational institutions, renewable energy developers, transport sectors and grid operators, where any query about hydrogen technologies can be discussed. Any stakeholder from these regions is encouraged to participate as a member of CH2F. Combining research data from the three projects in the Triple Alliance can also lead to an increase in replication projects as a result of the growing realisation of the place hydrogen has in benefiting all of Europe.


10:00 h
Welcome to SEAFUEL event & Hydrogen Triple Alliance
10:30 h
Pau Farras
10:50 h
Moving towards sustainable islands
Jan Cornillie - EU Clean Islands Initiative
11:10 h
Clean islands transition linked to sustainable tourism
John Dale Beckley – Canary Green
11:30 h
Hydrogen innovation in islands
Pedro Casero - Hydrogen Europe Research
Green hydrogen production from solar and seawater
11:45 h
Bill Ireland – Logan Energy
Wind to hydrogen, on-shore vs off-shore
Frank Adams - GICON
12:05 h
Marine Energy harvesting to hydrogen
Diana Raine – Smart Hydrogen Consulting
12:25 h
Panel discussion and Q&A audience
12:45 h
Lunch break – poster showcase
13:15 h
Hydrogen Island Roadmaps – The Tenerife case
Josh Williamson – HyEnergy
14:30 h
HGV mobility in islands, infrastructure deployment
Jon Bjorn Skúlason – New Icelandic Energy
14:50 h
Hydrogen Islands, opportunities and challenges
Implementation of a hydrogen project, refuelling urban buses
Andrew Morrisson - Energia
15:10 h
Hydrogen fuel cells as a reliable power supply
Santiago Díaz - Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias
15:30 h
REXH2: The on-board solution for zero-emission navigation
Fernando Szabados – EODev
15:50 h
An all-island approach, the Mallorca Case
María Jaén - Enagas
16:10 h
Panel discussion and Q&A audience
16:30 h
Room Cibeles, Cleopatra Hotel
10:10 h
Strategy for the Atlantic islands
Ismael Morán-García - Joint Secretariat INTERREG Atlantic Area
Delivering of green hydrogen for mobility, maritime and remote energy production
Marc Lavine - Sunrhyse
16:50 h
March 31
10:30 h
SEAFUEL H2 Refuelling Station presentation • ITER’s CEO: Eduardo Ballesteros • SEAFUEL coordinator: Pau Farras Visit to the pilot plant
11:30 h
Visit to other ITER’s facilities (Photovoltaics laboratory, D-ALiX, supercomputer TeideHPC - TBC)
12:30 h
Cocktail at ITER’s Visitor Centre
SEAFUEL Hydrogen Refuelling Station Launch
April 01
08:30 h
Welcome and Registration SOLAR2CHEM event
09:00 h
08:55 h
Opening Remarks
Prof. Gabriele Centi – University of Messina
Prof. Alexander Cowan – University of Liverpool
11:00 h
09:35 h
10:25 h
10:10 h
Prof. Adélio Mendes – University of Porto
Prof. Sophia Haussener – École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Dr. Fatwa F. Abdi – Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin
lunch BREAK
12:35 h
11:35 h
Dr. Luis Villalba – CTO of Sunrgyze project
Dr. Gaia Neri – Enapter
13:45 h
13:10 h
14:55 h
14:20 h
Round-table discussion, Q&A, Closing remarks
16:55 h
15:10 h
Poster session