Sustainable integration of renewable fuels in local transportation
Promoting renewable energies and energy efficiency
Resources efficiency in Atlantic regions
SEAFUEL aims to demonstrate the feasibility to power local transportantion networks using fuels produced by renewable energies and seawater, with no net carbon footprint as promoted by the resource-efficient flagship initiative COM(2010)2020
Scientific research
Project partners will study new materials for seawater splitting to substitute current systems and improve the efficiency.
H2 refueling station
Instalation of a fully integrated pilot plant for the production of hydrogen from renewable sources.
Implementation & results
Feasibility studies for full transport sector (public or private) conversion to SEAFUEL Hydrogen system.

Making an Impact Across the Globe
SEAFUEL aims to use the renewable resorces across the Atlantic Area to power the local transport fleet and support the shift towards a low-carbon economy.
Project partners
The partnership consists of Academia, Government, Business and Community as a quadruple helix model to promote excellence and knowledge exchange and with the capacity to implement the technology and the necessary policy framework for a hydrogen economy.

Community Hydrogen Forum (CH2F)

The CH2F platform is a hydrogen technologies forum for international, national, regional and local governments, energy agencies, community development groups, energy co-operatives, educational institutions, renewable energy developers, transport sectors and grid operators, where any query about hydrogen technologies can be discussed.
Get involved and interact with hundreds of interested experts or companies engaged in the development of hydrogen technologies.
Stakeholders engagement
SEAFUEL will hold a series of seminars and cluster wokshops, designed to engage the attendees in discussions about hydrogen and public transport. The strategy of the partners and the project throughout will be an absolute priority of influencing policy makers.
Latest news
SEAFUEL is focus on enhancing the green growth and blue economy and paving the grounds for common renewable energy policies to promote clean and sustainable transport systems.
Register online for the final SEAFUEL webinar
Scaling up European Hydrogen Projects Register online for the final SEAFUEL webinar taking place on Tuesday 18th October, 2022 Action Renewables are delighted to be hosting this online webinar, on behalf of SEAFUEL, an EU Atlantic Area Hydrogen Project. In this...
We bring our research activity closer to the schoolchildren of the Canary Islands in the Science and Innovation Miniferias 2022.
On the 5th, 9th and 11th of May we organise a face-to-face activity on hydrogen technology and green hydrogen for secondary school students. The SEAFUEL project, co-funded by the European Interreg Atlantic Area Programme 2014 - 2020, participates this year in the...
The SEAFUEL project celebrates the arrival of the first Hydrogen Refueling Station to Tenerife, the first one in the Canary Islands
The arrival of this pilot installation in Tenerife is one of the most important milestones of the project, which seeks to demonstrate the technological, social and economic viability of the implementation of renewable fuels for transport in islands and isolated...
Featured Case Studies
SEAFUEL is carriying out a full assessment of all regions within Europe, and also on a global scale, to deliver a set of case studies, including two feasibility studies.
People reached
Dissemination actions
- Isolated territories
- Large energy dependence
- Expensive fuel/energy imports.
- Bad grid connection.
- Aim at small/medium scale installations
Reach Us
Where to fins us:
H2 Refueling station future location:
Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables, S.A.
s/n, Polígono Industrial de Granadilla, 38600 Granadilla, Santa Cruz de Tenerife