Sustainable integration of renewable fuels in local transportation

Promoting renewable energies and energy efficiency

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Resources efficiency in Atlantic regions


SEAFUEL aims to demonstrate the feasibility to power local transportantion networks using fuels produced by renewable energies and seawater, with no net carbon footprint as promoted by the resource-efficient flagship initiative COM(2010)2020

Scientific research

Project partners will study new materials for seawater splitting to substitute current systems and improve the efficiency.

H2 refueling station

Instalation of a fully integrated pilot plant for the production of hydrogen from renewable sources.

Implementation & results

Feasibility studies for full transport sector (public or private) conversion to SEAFUEL Hydrogen system.

Making an Impact Across the Globe

SEAFUEL aims to use the renewable resorces across the Atlantic Area to power the local transport fleet and support the shift towards a low-carbon economy.

Project partners

The partnership consists of Academia, Government, Business and Community as a quadruple helix model to promote excellence and knowledge exchange and with the capacity to implement the technology and the necessary policy framework for a hydrogen economy. 

Community Hydrogen Forum (CH2F)

The CH2F platform is a hydrogen technologies forum for international, national, regional and local governments, energy agencies, community development groups, energy co-operatives, educational institutions, renewable energy developers, transport sectors and grid operators, where any query about hydrogen technologies can be discussed.
Get involved and interact with hundreds of interested experts or companies engaged in the development of hydrogen technologies.

Stakeholders engagement

SEAFUEL will hold a series of seminars and cluster wokshops, designed to engage the attendees in discussions about hydrogen and public transport. The strategy of the partners and the project throughout will be an absolute priority of influencing policy makers.

Latest news

SEAFUEL is focus on enhancing the green growth and blue economy and paving the grounds for common renewable energy policies to promote clean and sustainable transport systems.

Tenerife’s public transport passengers learn about SEAFUEL

Tenerife’s public transport passengers learn about SEAFUEL

Since last June, the new videos developed as part of the SEAFUEL project can be seen on the buses and stops of TITSA (the public transport company of the island of Tenerife, Spain), as part of the awareness and commitment campaign aimed at the local population and...

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Featured Case Studies

SEAFUEL is carriying out a full assessment of all regions within Europe, and also on a global scale, to deliver a set of case studies, including two feasibility studies.

People reached


Dissemination actions


  • Isolated territories 
  • Large energy dependence
  • Expensive fuel/energy imports. 
  • Bad grid connection.
  • Aim at small/medium scale installations

Reach Us

Where to fins us:

H2 Refueling station future location:

Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables, S.A.
s/n, Polígono Industrial de Granadilla, 38600 Granadilla, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Leave A Message

10:00 h
Welcome to SEAFUEL event & Hydrogen Triple Alliance
10:30 h
Pau Farras
10:50 h
Moving towards sustainable islands
Jan Cornillie - EU Clean Islands Initiative
11:10 h
Clean islands transition linked to sustainable tourism
John Dale Beckley – Canary Green
11:30 h
Hydrogen innovation in islands
Pedro Casero - Hydrogen Europe Research
Green hydrogen production from solar and seawater
11:45 h
Bill Ireland – Logan Energy
Wind to hydrogen, on-shore vs off-shore
Frank Adams - GICON
12:05 h
Marine Energy harvesting to hydrogen
Diana Raine – Smart Hydrogen Consulting
12:25 h
Panel discussion and Q&A audience
12:45 h
Lunch break – poster showcase
13:15 h
Hydrogen Island Roadmaps – The Tenerife case
Josh Williamson – HyEnergy
14:30 h
HGV mobility in islands, infrastructure deployment
Jon Bjorn Skúlason – New Icelandic Energy
14:50 h
Hydrogen Islands, opportunities and challenges
Implementation of a hydrogen project, refuelling urban buses
Andrew Morrisson - Energia
15:10 h
Hydrogen fuel cells as a reliable power supply
Santiago Díaz - Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias
15:30 h
REXH2: The on-board solution for zero-emission navigation
Fernando Szabados – EODev
15:50 h
An all-island approach, the Mallorca Case
María Jaén - Enagas
16:10 h
Panel discussion and Q&A audience
16:30 h
Room Cibeles, Cleopatra Hotel
10:10 h
Strategy for the Atlantic islands
Ismael Morán-García - Joint Secretariat INTERREG Atlantic Area
Delivering of green hydrogen for mobility, maritime and remote energy production
Marc Lavine - Sunrhyse
16:50 h
March 31
10:30 h
SEAFUEL H2 Refuelling Station presentation • ITER’s CEO: Eduardo Ballesteros • SEAFUEL coordinator: Pau Farras Visit to the pilot plant
11:30 h
Visit to other ITER’s facilities (Photovoltaics laboratory, D-ALiX, supercomputer TeideHPC - TBC)
12:30 h
Cocktail at ITER’s Visitor Centre
SEAFUEL Hydrogen Refuelling Station Launch
April 01
08:30 h
Welcome and Registration SOLAR2CHEM event
09:00 h
08:55 h
Opening Remarks
Prof. Gabriele Centi – University of Messina
Prof. Alexander Cowan – University of Liverpool
11:00 h
09:35 h
10:25 h
10:10 h
Prof. Adélio Mendes – University of Porto
Prof. Sophia Haussener – École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Dr. Fatwa F. Abdi – Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin
lunch BREAK
12:35 h
11:35 h
Dr. Luis Villalba – CTO of Sunrgyze project
Dr. Gaia Neri – Enapter
13:45 h
13:10 h
14:55 h
14:20 h
Round-table discussion, Q&A, Closing remarks
16:55 h
15:10 h
Poster session