La Triple Alianza, formada por los proyectos GenComm, SEAFUEL y HUGE,  en asociación con el Foro Comunitario del Hidrógeno (Community Hydrogen Forum) llevará a cabo un seminario web el jueves 18 de febrero de 2021 en el que se analizará el papel de la movilidad del hidrógeno para las comunidades costeras y qué otros beneficios podría traer, ya sean más cambios ambientales o económicos.
El evento contará con ponentes de cada uno de los proyectos europeos dentro de la Triple Alianza (GenComm, SEAFUEL y HUGE) y cubrirá temas relacionados con las principales áreas de transporte (por carretera, marítimo y aéreo), así como los próximos pasos que las comunidades pueden tomar para prepararse para el hidrógeno.
¡Más detalles en las próximas semanas!
10:00 h
Welcome to SEAFUEL event & Hydrogen Triple Alliance
10:30 h
Pau Farras
10:50 h
Moving towards sustainable islands
Jan Cornillie - EU Clean Islands Initiative
11:10 h
Clean islands transition linked to sustainable tourism
John Dale Beckley – Canary Green
11:30 h
Hydrogen innovation in islands
Pedro Casero - Hydrogen Europe Research
Green hydrogen production from solar and seawater
11:45 h
Bill Ireland – Logan Energy
Wind to hydrogen, on-shore vs off-shore
Frank Adams - GICON
12:05 h
Marine Energy harvesting to hydrogen
Diana Raine – Smart Hydrogen Consulting
12:25 h
Panel discussion and Q&A audience
12:45 h
Lunch break – poster showcase
13:15 h
Hydrogen Island Roadmaps – The Tenerife case
Josh Williamson – HyEnergy
14:30 h
HGV mobility in islands, infrastructure deployment
Jon Bjorn Skúlason – New Icelandic Energy
14:50 h
Hydrogen Islands, opportunities and challenges
Implementation of a hydrogen project, refuelling urban buses
Andrew Morrisson - Energia
15:10 h
Hydrogen fuel cells as a reliable power supply
Santiago Díaz - Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias
15:30 h
REXH2: The on-board solution for zero-emission navigation
Fernando Szabados – EODev
15:50 h
An all-island approach, the Mallorca Case
María Jaén - Enagas
16:10 h
Panel discussion and Q&A audience
16:30 h
Room Cibeles, Cleopatra Hotel
10:10 h
Strategy for the Atlantic islands
Ismael Morán-García - Joint Secretariat INTERREG Atlantic Area
Delivering of green hydrogen for mobility, maritime and remote energy production
Marc Lavine - Sunrhyse
16:50 h
March 31
10:30 h
SEAFUEL H2 Refuelling Station presentation • ITER’s CEO: Eduardo Ballesteros • SEAFUEL coordinator: Pau Farras Visit to the pilot plant
11:30 h
Visit to other ITER’s facilities (Photovoltaics laboratory, D-ALiX, supercomputer TeideHPC - TBC)
12:30 h
Cocktail at ITER’s Visitor Centre
SEAFUEL Hydrogen Refuelling Station Launch
April 01
08:30 h
Welcome and Registration SOLAR2CHEM event
09:00 h
08:55 h
Opening Remarks
Prof. Gabriele Centi – University of Messina
Prof. Alexander Cowan – University of Liverpool
11:00 h
09:35 h
10:25 h
10:10 h
Prof. Adélio Mendes – University of Porto
Prof. Sophia Haussener – École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Dr. Fatwa F. Abdi – Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin
lunch BREAK
12:35 h
11:35 h
Dr. Luis Villalba – CTO of Sunrgyze project
Dr. Gaia Neri – Enapter
13:45 h
13:10 h
14:55 h
14:20 h
Round-table discussion, Q&A, Closing remarks
16:55 h
15:10 h
Poster session